GLA:D® – un traitement efficace de l’arthrose

GLA:D® est l’abréviation de Good Life with osteoArthritis in Denmark et a été introduit au Danemark en 2013 dans le but d’implémenter dans la pratique les lignes directrices internationales.

Depuis, près de 60’000 personnes atteintes d’arthrose du genou ou de la hanche ont pris part au programme au Danemark, et environ 30’000 dans les autres pays. L’efficacité du programme est contrôlée et les résultats le montrent : moins de douleurs et une consommation réduite d’antalgiques, une meilleure qualité de vie, et moins d’absence sur la place de travail.

GLA:D® Denmark a été développé par les Prof. Dr. Ewa M. Roos et Prof. Dr. Søren T. Skou à l’université du Danemark du Sud.


 Ewa M. Roos

Ewa M. Roos

Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark

Responsable de GLA:D®  au Danemark
Présentation d’Ewa M. Roos sur le GLA:D donnée le 16.11.2018 à l’occasion du congrès de physiothérapie du sport à Berne.

«Us researchers have known for many years that exercise is good medicine for people with osteoarthritis. This is what we find when the many randomized studies are summarized, and therefore treatment guidelines around the world recommend patient education, exercise and weight loss, if needed, as first treatment for people with osteoarthritis. We started GLA:D®  to help clinicians deliver evidence-based treatment to people with osteoarthritis. It has become a success. Not only in Denmark but also in Canada, Australia and China. The average of the until now 38.000 osteoarthritis patient participating in Denmark experience a 25% pain reduction and walk 10% faster after 8 weeks. It is very rewarding to help people help themselves to a better quality of life. And to find an alternative to pills and surgery that also helps improve general health.»

Søren T. Skou

Søren T. Skou

Associate Professor, Research Unit for Musculoskeletal Function and Physiotherapy, University of Southern Denmark

Responsable de GLA:D® au Danemark

«Despite strong supporting evidence, only about one out of three patients with osteoarthritis received exercise and education for their joint pain. In order to change this, we started Good Life with osteoArthritis in Denmark (GLA:D®), which supports clinicians worldwide to deliver evidence-based treatment for the benefit of the individual patient. So farGLA:D® has helped several thousands of patients reduce their pain and improve their function, both after the treatment program and in the long-term. Furthermore, fewer patients are taking painkillers and fewer patients are on sick leave, suggesting further individual and societal benefits.»


GLA:D Australia™

GLA:D™ a été introduit en 2015 en Australie.

«GLA:D™ Australia began in November 2016, after being inspired by the fantastic outcomes seen in the GLA:D™ program in Denmark. GLA:D™ Australia is led by Prof Kay Crossley, Dr Christian Barton and Dr Joanne Kemp of Latrobe Sport and Exercise Medicine Research Centre, La Trobe University, Melbourne. Since its inception, GLA:D™ Australia has trained over 700 physiotherapists, and is now provided in 160+ clinics in all states of Australia. Over 2000 Australians with knee and hip OA have now received best practice treatment through the GLA:D™ program.»

Kay Crossley, Joanna Kemp, Christian Barton

La Trobe University, Melbourne

GLA:D Canada™

GLA:D™ was successfully introduced in Canada in 2015.

«The GLA:D™ Canada program has been implemented in clinics from the east to the west coast of Canada where it is reducing the symptoms and increasing the quality of life for patients in large and small communities.»

Rhona McGlasson

Executive Director, Bone and Joint Canada

«I found the GLA:D™ Canada exercise program to be so helpful in terms of understanding what stretches and strengthening exercises were best for me to alleviate my pain and stay physically active. The GLAD™ program empowers clients to practice ongoing exercise and self-care after the program is over.»

Amy Gottlieb

Patient, Toronto

«I’m excited to be part of GLA:D™ Canada.  With 25 years of experience as a physiotherapist, I know many osteoarthritic patients are looking for conservative non-surgical treatment options.  This is the first time I am able to offer an evidence-based education and supervised exercise program that yields real results.  We teach our patients how to self-manage their osteoarthritic symptoms and many, as a result, experience a reduction in pain intensity and an increase in their physical activity levels.  We witness patients moving with greater confidence and less fear.  Recently I worked with a client who was in tears as she was doing her step exercise.  I asked what was wrong, she exclaimed with a smile: This is the first time I’ve been able climb stairs in years.»

Mark G. Anunciacon

certified GLA:D™ Physiotherapist

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